
(パンフレット付き)Hello! Project 研修生発表会 2023 ~春の公開実力診断テスト~※数量限定

4月30日(日)にJ:COMホール八王子で行われる「Hello! Project 研修生発表会 2023 ~春の公開実力診断テスト~」の模様を配信いたします!

松原ユリヤ・小野田華凜・橋田歩果・村越彩菜・植村葉純 (ハロプロ研修生ユニット'23 )



Hello! Pro Kenshusei (Trainee) Presentation 2023 ~Spring Public Ability Test~

We will start selling the performance of "Hello! Pro Kenshusei (Trainee) Presentation 2023-Spring Public Ability Diagnostic Test-" held at J: COM Hall Hachioji on April 30 (Sun)!
Your one vote will help determine the "Best Performance Award".
Let's witness the moment of destiny together!

●Appearance: Hello! Pro Kenshusei (Trainee)
Yuria Matsubara, Karin Onoda, Honoka Hashida, Ayana Murakoshi, Hasumi Uemura (Hello! Pro Kenshusei Trainee Unit '23)
Hinoha Yoshida, Mifu Kawashima, Hana Gotou, Yukiho Shimoitani, Rena Kamimura
Soara Kawano, Toa Makino, Niina Hayashi
●Guest judges: Karin Miyamoto, Lisa Ogata
●MC: Araken
*Performers, guests, and MC are subject to change.
Please note that ticket prices cannot be refunded even if it's due to changes of performers.
*Hello! Pro Kenshusei (Trainee) Unit '23 (Yuria Matsubara, Karin Onoda, Honoka Hashida, Ayana Murakoshi, Hasumi Uemura) will not have a solo performance. The above listed members will not be subject to the ability diagnosis test examination.

Click here for the viewing environment test
Before purchasing a ticket, please check if you meet the minimum requirements and if you have a suitable viewing environment.
Please note that refunds cannot be made after the ticket is purchased.
購入制限 Purchase Limit お一人さま 1 個まで
備考 Remarks 1 Ticket per person

●料金:¥5,800 ※投票付き










● Viewing ticket fee: ¥ 5,800  * Voting included
*Viewing tickets with pamphlets are limited in quantity. It will be based on a first come first serve basis.

Sales periodJapan Time
April 13, 2023 (Thursday) 17:00-April 16 (Sunday) 20:00

Viewing periodJapan Time
April 30, 2023 (Sunday), scheduled to open at 16:15 / Start at 16:30
Archive delivery: May 1st (Monday) 17:00 (scheduled) to May 7th (Sunday) 24:00

*Please note that you will not be able to watch the archive immediately after the live broadcast ends.

*One vote per ticket.
*You can only vote from the member page of "HELLO! PROJECT STREAM ONLINE STORE".
*You can only vote once. (Please note that members cannot be changed after voting.)

Scheduled to ship on Thursday, April 27th

価格 Price:¥5,800(税込)(tax included)