有料動画配信サービス利用規約 Terms of Use of Paid Video Streaming Service

  • 1.本規約は、株式会社アップフロントインターナショナル(以下、「当社」といいます)が運営及び管理する有料動画配信サイト「HELLO! PROJECT STREAM ONLINE STORE」(以下「本サイト」といいます。)における、当社が提供する動画等のコンテンツ(以下「本コンテンツ」といいます。)の視聴サービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)の利用に関し、本サービスの利用者の皆様(以下「利用者」といいます。)に適用されるものとします。
  • 2.利用者が本サービスの利用を開始した時点をもって、当社は利用者に対し、あらかじめ本規約を契約の内容とする旨を表示し、利用者は、本規約の内容を契約の内容とする旨の合意をしたことから、当社と利用者との間において、本規約の個別の条項について合意するものとします。
  • 3.利用者は、誠実に本規約を遵守する義務を負うものとします。
  • 4.本規約について変更、追加、修正、及び削除(以下「変更等」といいます。)の必要が生じた場合、当社は、変更等を行う前の本規約の目的に反しない範囲において、本規約の変更等を行うことがあります。
  • 5.本規約の変更等に際して、当社は利用者に対し、相当期間前までに本サイトへの掲載の方法により変更等の内容及び変更等の後の本規約の効力発生時期を通知することによって、周知するものとします。
  • 6.当社から適切に前項の通知がなされた場合、利用者の知不知にかかわらず、変更等の後の本規約が適用されるものとします。
  • 本規約における以下の用語の意味は、それぞれ以下に定めるとおりとします。
  • 1.「当社」とは、株式会社アップフロントインターナショナルを意味します。
  • 2.「本サイト」とは、当社が運営・管理するウェブサイト「HELLO! PROJECT STREAM ONLINE STORE」を意味します。
  • 3.「本コンテンツ」とは、当社が本サイトにてストリーミング配信により提供する動画その他のコンテンツを意味します。
  • 4.「本サービス」とは、当社が提供する、利用者が本サービスに対応した端末を使って有料で本コンテンツを視聴する旨のサービスを意味します。
  • 5.「利用者」とは、本サービスを利用する個人を意味し、法人は除くものとします。
  • 1.利用者が本サービスを利用して個別の本コンテンツを購入するにあたり、本サイトに掲示された所定の料金(以下「本サービス料金」といいます。)を支払うものとします。なお、本コンテンツの利用可能期間は、本サイトに掲載するものとします。
  • 2.利用者は、自身が利用する本サービスについて、最新の本サービス料金の額その他の支払条件及び利用可能期間等の情報を随時確認するものとします。
  • 1.利用者は、本サービスを利用するために、利用者のID(以下「ID」といいます。)として、メールアドレスを本サイト上にて登録するものとします。利用者は、IDを、その登録により購入した本コンテンツの利用可能期間中、有効に利用することができます。
  • 2.本サービスの利用者が未成年者である場合、本サービスの利用にあたり、事前に親権者などの法定代理人の同意を得るものとし、当該利用者の本サービスの利用については、親権者など法定代理人の同意と責任の下で行われるものとします。
  • 3.本サービスをご利用の場合は、利用者が本規約を承諾した上で、当社所定の手続に従って、自身で購入申込を行います。その際に入力する個人情報に誤りがある場合は、本サービスを利用することはできません。
  • 4.購入した本サービスのキャンセル及び本サービス料金の払戻しは一切できません。また、利用者の入力ミスまたは通信環境の不具合等により重複して利用申込がなされて多重の本サービスの購入申込となった場合でも、当社の故意又は重過失による場合を除き、当社は責任を負いません。
  • 1.本サービスにおける本コンテンツを含む全ての情報の著作権は、当社又は本コンテンツの提供者に帰属するものとします。
  • 2.利用者において、私的使用など法律によって認められる範囲を超えて、本コンテンツ及び本サイト上の情報を利用(複製、改ざん、頒布などを含みますが、これに限られません)することは、禁止します。
  • 本サービスの利用推奨環境については、本コンテンツ購入前の画面に都度表示します。


  • 1.利用者は、当社規定の方法でのみ本サービスの利用及び本コンテンツの視聴ができるものとし、以下の行為を禁止します。
  • 1.当社は、以下の各号に該当する場合、本サービスの全部または一部の提供を一時的に停止することがあります。
  • 当社は、利用者に事前の予告、通知なく、本サービス(本コンテンツを含む)の内容及び名称等を変更したり、本コンテンツの配信を停止することができます。
  • 1.利用者が本サービスの利用によって他の利用者を含む第三者に損害又は損失を与えた場合、当社及び本コンテンツの提供者は一切の責任を負わないものとし、利用者は自己の責任と費用負担において、かかる第三者に生じた損害又は損失及びこれに関連する全ての問題を処理解決し、当社らに何ら負担が生じることのないようにするものとします。
  • 利用者は、本サービスの利用に要するメールアドレス、ID、パスワード及びクレジットカード番号等の情報を自己の責任で管理するものとし、当該情報の管理不十分、使用上の過誤、第三者の使用等による損害の責任は、利用者が負うものとし、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
  • 1.当社は、利用者から提供された個人情報を正確かつ最新の状態に保ち、個人情報への不正アクセス・紛失・破損・改ざん・漏洩などを防止するため、セキュリティシステムの維持・管理体制の整備・従業員教育の徹底等の必要な措置を講じ、個人情報の厳正な管理を行います。

  • 利用者は、本規約に基づく権利義務の全部又は一部について、譲渡、貸与又は質入等の担保設定その他一切の処分を行ってはならないものとします。
  • 1.本規約に基づく準拠法は日本法とします。


2021年3月12日 制定・施行

Terms of Use of Paid Video Streaming Service
Article 1 (Scope and changes of this agreement)
1. This agreement is based on the paid video distribution site "Hello! Stream Online Store" (hereinafter referred to as "this Site") operated and managed by Up-Front International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"). Regarding the use of the viewing service (hereinafter referred to as "this service") of the content such as videos provided (hereinafter referred to as "this content"), all users of this service (hereinafter referred to as "user") it shall be applied to.
2. At the time that the user starts using this service, it shall be accounted for that the user has agreed to the subject matter of these Terms, and further agreed that these Terms established the subject matter of a contract between the Company and the User.
3. The user shall be obliged to comply with these terms in good faith.
4. If any change, addition, amendment, deletion, or the like (collectively, “change”) becomes required in these Terms, our company may change these Terms reasonably and adequately to the extent that such change will not conflict with the purpose of these Terms before such change.
5. When our company is to change these Terms, our company will notify the user of the subject matter of the change and the timing that these Terms after the change will come into effect by posting on this site a suitable period before the change.
6. Once the Company properly provides the notification of the preceding paragraph to the user, these Terms after the Change shall apply to the user regardless of whether the user is aware or unaware of the Change.

Article 2 (Definitions of terms)
The meanings of the following terms in this agreement shall be as set forth below.
1. "Our company" means Up-Front International Co., Ltd.
2. "This site" means the website "Hello! Stream Online Store" operated and managed by the Company.
3. "Content" means videos and other content that we provide by streaming on this site.
4. "This service" means the service provided by our company that allows users to view this content for a fee using a terminal that supports this service.
5. "User" means the individual who uses this service.

Article 3 (Service fee)
1. When using this service and purchasing individual contents, the User shall pay the prescribed fee (“Service Fee”) posted on the Site. The viewing period of the contents shall be posted on the site.
2. The user shall confirm, as needed, information such as the amount and other terms of payment of the latest Service Fee, and the viewing period of the contents, of this service that the user is using.

Article 4 (Application for Using Service)
1. To use this service, the user shall register one’s email address on this site as the user's ID (hereinafter referred to as "ID"). The user may use one’s ID validly during the viewing period of the contents purchased by the user based on the foregoing registration.
2. If the user of the service is a minor, the User shall obtain the prior consent of one’s parent or other legal representatives in using the service, and the use of the service by that user shall be conducted under the consent and responsibilities of the users’ parent or other legal representatives.
3. When using this service, the user must accept this agreement and apply for any purchases by himself/herself according to the procedures prescribed by our company. If the personal information entered at the time of purchase is incorrect, this service cannot be used.
4. The contents purchased in the service may not be canceled and the service fee, once paid, will not be refunded. Even if the application for purchase is made by accident and the same contents are purchased multiple times in the service due to the user’s input error or problems with the user’s communication environment, the company will not be liable in any way unless it was caused by the company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 5 (Ownership of Rights)
1. The copyright of all information including this content in this service belongs to our company or the provider of this content.
2. Users may not use (including, but not limited to, copying, modifying, and distributing) this content and information on this site beyond the scope permitted by law, such as for private use.

Article 6 (Recommended System Requirements)
The system requirements for using this service will be displayed before purchasing the content.

Article 7 (Preparation of Equipment, Costs, etc.)
The user shall prepare, under one’s responsibility and expenditure, an environment that enables the use of this service including the preparation of communication equipment and software, and the conclusion of a phone service contract and an internet service contract. Any interconnection fees related to this service shall be borne by the user.

Article 8 (Prohibited Acts)
1. The user shall be able to use this service and view this content only by the method specified by our company, the following acts are prohibited.
(1) Registration of this service with false information
(2) Acts that violate or may violate intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights, portrait rights, privacy, or other rights contained in this service such as the contents and information of this service.
(3) Commercial use of information obtained by this service
(4) Acts of providing, transferring, buying, or selling a user's ID or password to a third party (regardless of whether it is paid or free)
(5) Acts of using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses through or in connection with this service.
(6) Actions that violate or may violate laws and regulations
(7) Acts of neglecting to fulfill obligations based on this agreement
(8) Acts that violate this agreement
(9) Other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company
2. If the user conducts any act corresponding to the preceding paragraph, our company may suspend the use of this service by the user without any prior notice. In the foregoing case, the User shall immediately pay the Service Fee up to the time that the Company suspended the user’s use of this service. The user that forfeited one’s entitlement to use the service under this paragraph may not exercise any rights etc. the right to claim damages.

Article 9 (Suspension of Service)
1. The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of all or part of this service in the following cases:
(1) When a failure occurs in the equipment used by the company to provide this service, or when maintenance, inspection, or repair of such equipment is performed.
(2) When this service cannot be provided due to fire/power outage, natural disaster, plague, war, internal disturbance, riot, labor dispute, or other force majeure.
(3) When the Company otherwise deems that the provision of the service is difficult.
2. When the company is to suspend the provision of the service under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the company shall notify the user in advance according to a method deemed appropriate by the company; save for cases of emergency.

Article 10 (Change/Discontinuation of Service)
The Company may change the content and name of this service (including this content) or suspend the distribution of this content without prior notice or notification to the user.

Article 11 (Liability)
1. If the user causes damage to or inflicts a loss on a third party, including other users, as a result of using this service, the Company and the provider of the Contents shall not be liable in any way, therefore, and the user shall, under one’s responsibility and cost burden, resolve such damage suffered or loss incurred by the third party as well as all problems related thereto, and shall not impose any burden on the Company and the provider of the Contents.
2. If a user causes damage to the Company or the provider of this content due to an act that violates this agreement or an illegal or illegal act, the Company and the provider of this content will claim compensation for damages against the user (Includes, but is not limited to, attorney's fees).
3. The company may suspend, discontinue or abolish all or a part of the service without having to obtain the user’s approval. Even if the provision of the service is delayed, suspended, discontinued, or abolished, the company shall not be liable for any damage that was consequently suffered by the user unless such damage was caused by the company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any damage that is suffered by the User as a result of using the service, irrespective of the mode of use unless such damage was caused by the Company’s willful misconduct or carelessness.

Article 12 (Management of Registered Information)
The user shall manage their personal information such as e-mail address, ID, password, and credit card number required for using this service at his/her own risk, our company shall not be liable for any damage that is suffered by the user as a result of using the service, irrespective of the mode of use, unless such damage was caused by the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence. The user shall be liable for any damages caused by such things, and our company shall not be responsible at all.

Article 13 (Handling of Personal Information, etc.)
1. We maintain the security system and maintain the management system to keep the personal information provided by the user accurate and up-to-date and prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of the personal information. We will take necessary measures by equpping our employees with a strict management of personal information.
2. We will use the personal information entrusted to us by the user to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use specified and announced in advance.
(1) Sale and provision of the service (acceptance of applications, settlement of fees, etc.)
(2) Provision of services incidental to the preceding item (communication with the user for confirming matters deemed necessary for business by our company, etc.)
(3) Support services for replying to inquiries related to the service.
(4) Use and recording of access information (internet, mobile site, phone, etc.) for operating and managing the service and replying to inquiries.
(5) Provision of information and posting of ads related to products and services of our company or the company’s business partner (limited to companies that have exchanged a nondisclosure agreement with the company) which are currently being provided, or may be provided in the future.
3. We will not provide the personal information entrusted to us by the user to a third party without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases.
(1) When required by law.
(2) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user.
(3) When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
4. We may outsource a part of the personal information handling business of the user in this service and entrust the personal information to the business consignee. In this case, the company will select a contractor who is recognized and qualified to handle personal information appropriately, and decide on matters necessary for preventing leakage of personal information such as proper management and confidentiality of personal information in contracts, etc.
5. If the user wishes to disclose his/her personal information (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension or deletion of use, suspension of provision to third parties), please contact us at the following contact information. When you contact us, we may ask for your identity verification certificate to confirm that the inquiry is from the user.

Contact: info@ufg.co.jp

Article 14 (No Transfer, etc. of Rights and Obligations)
No User may transfer, lease, create a pledge or any other security on, or otherwise in any way dispose of all or a part of one’s rights and obligations under these terms.

Article 15 (Governing Law/Jurisdiction/Language)
1. The governing law based on this agreement shall be Japanese law.
2. The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first instance for all proceedings related to this agreement or this service.
3. All terms and conditions are displayed in Japanese and are interpreted only in Japanese

Article 16 (Consultation)
The Company and the user shall discuss in good faith and resolve any doubts regarding matters not stipulated in this agreement or the interpretation of each provision of this agreement.

upplementary Provision
2021/3/12 Established and enforced